Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Thor: The Dark World (PG-13) - Review

"Star Wars with Hammers"

The Marvel Universe attempts to shave off some of the Fantasy Sci/Fi craze, and somewhat succeeds, in the newest solo outing of the God of Thunder after his stint in the blockbuster Avengers.  More inner-family strife rocks the royal family of Asgard as an old threat of Space Elves with a weapon from another dimension of cliche.  Unlike the other franchises, Marvel has steeped the Thor films in romantic interest, pushing Chris Hemsworth loves Natalie Portman on the audience when really all anyone wants to see is more Tom Hiddleston as halfbrother Loki (this time sans horny helmet but still able to steal scenes like nobodies business).  The Space Elves come straight from a bad hellboy sequel, their weapon is true doomsday cheese, the Star Wars like vehicles and lazer fights,  the awkward romance and wacky sidekicks tacked on for female audiences, it all still adds up to a better film that builds upon the mediocrity of the first while retaining what worked (Heimdall, Hopkins and a general Shakespearean air)  and churns up some grade "A" spectacle that with the proper blinders can be enjoyed like a more meatheaded step by Marvel towards a LOTR sized market and Box Office Share.

6 By The Beards of Odin out of 10 (GOOD)

1 comment:

Dan O. said...

It's fun, but then again, it's a Thor movie, so you can't expect much else. Good review Kevin.

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Turlock, California, United States
Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway