Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (PG-13) Review

"A-Head of the Class"

The Marvel Studios again outshine their Comic Book film brethren by churning out an astonishingly entertaining and action packed movie starring one of its squarest Super Heroes, Captain America.   Not only must Cap and his SHIELD cohorts once again battle the corruptive forces of Hydra but also their own shadowy pasts in this much improved sequel.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is already overflowing with success, an achievement all the more impressive in that it is still arguably without its most famous licenses (rival Studios all hold the reigns for Fantastic Four, Spider-Man and the X-Men).  Yet, here is Captain America, well-known and respected Nazi-Smasher from the 40's succeeding beyond all reasonable expectations in our here and now (both on and off the screen).  A man who wears a big capital "A" in the middle of his forehead as a fashion statement has no business being accepted in today's fickle pop culture.  But here is the Big Blue Bomber, with his creaky old stoicism and unfashionable patriotism, embraced as a genuine Box Office Blockbuster and the true American hero he's always been.  Epic explosions, spy movie tropes, hand to hand combat combine with non-stereotypical Ethnic characters and a compassionate touch on PTSD and the brotherhood of soldiers, this is one amazingly accessible, yet progressive American film.

Disappointing as it is to lose the original source's Cold War era Russia origins or to saddle Cap with an overpowered Black Widow (who is apparently the only female willing to cross franchise lines to add unnecessary sex appeal to any Male driven MarvelU film), if the constant fighting and shield flinging all kind of look the same by the end of its 2+ hours, if the politics are very conveniently pro-Snowden/post-Anon when the past entries were all pro-PatriotAct/post-911, well we can still all sigh a big sigh of relief that Disney hasn't muddled the waters and have let Marvel do what Marvel does best.  Envelop into their stories a tapestry of current events while a multitude of different writers preserve its diverse history and mythology. Oh, and give Stan Lee a line or two in every film.  Excelsior!

8 Unexplained Big Red Stars out of 10 (GREAT)

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