Hi, my name is Kevin Gasaway and I'm a film freak.  I've been obsessively watching movies since late childhood and due to the dawn of Netflix and the Internet the number of films I have seen has expanded exponentially.  So I began in college to write reviews of a few films and a natural critic was born.  It is my goal to someday write a review for every one of the thousands upon thousands of films I have seen, new and old, short and long, blockbuster to schlockfest.
TyrannoVision Founder in his Grey Period

How about a little number crunching: assuming that Hollywood continues its trend of producing 500+ films a year would mean that in just my lifetime alone there are over 17,000 films were produced theatrically. And each year another 60K minutes or 1 1/2 months of runtime pass through the social consciousness, and thats only here in America.  That's a lot of sitting.

My personal scale is 1 - 10, 10 being Outstanding, 1 being Awful.  5 is the average hohum Mediocrity that Hollywood normally produces.  I have also labeled whether I watched it in the theater or on my couch, if it's so bad its good etc...  I'll be tinkering and releasing new reviews constantly

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About Me

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Turlock, California, United States
Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway