Holy Motors (2012)

Holy Motors (NR) - Review

"Holy *#@$&"

A chameleon like man must keep 9 bizarre appointments in and around Paris ranging from sexualized motion capture performing and sewer trolling for fashion models.  You'll never know what will happen next, and you won't know if you care about it or not.  The make up is impressive and the camera shows an unblinking love of France.  When a filmmaker sets out to make a weird, strange flick like this, the only review I can offer is that it was worth the effort of making it.  The pleasure of experiencing the oddity unfettered by spoilers or impressions is a must.  The pretentions may over analyze and dissect, and director may have higher pretentions for his work beyond a simple freak show.  Perhaps it all has some deeper meaning about life and the act of acting your role.  Or it's just a bearded lady who'll take your two-bits for a peek.

7 Full Grown Leprechauns out of 10 (GOOD)

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Turlock, California, United States
Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway