Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)

Safety Not Guaranteed (R) - Review

"The Craigslist of Indy SciFi comedys"

 Interns at a Seattle-based magazine are sent on assignment with a reporter on the verge of third-life crisis.  The story centers on  investigating a help wanted ad (which actually existed and reads:

"WANTED: Someone to go back in time with me.  This is not a joke.  You'll get paid after we get back.  Must bring your own weapons.  I have only done this once before.  SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED". 

I'm not sure if any film has ever had less to adapt, but the filmmakers fill it out pleasantly.  The acting is low ball yet enjoyable, the characters paper thin yet charming.  The outsider emo chick, the man boy slacker reporter, the supersmart yet shy foreigner, all well worn roles but the situations they get in are quite unique.  Starring  Mark Duplass (Zero Dark Thirty) as the reclusively odd timetraveling engineer, the narcissistic yet harmless reporter Jake Johnson (New Girl) is actually looking for heartbreak through nostalgia colored glasses, and Aubrey Plaza (Scott Pilgrim) as the open minded sarcastic geeky girl who is bored by standard American life and would much rather adventure into the unknown ether with an odd duck love interest than shop at the GAP.

7 Men In Black out of 10 (GOOD)

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Turlock, California, United States
Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway