Iron Man 3 (2013)

Iron Man 3 (PG-13) - Review

"A literal Iron deficiency."

It's Christmas, and an eccentric former playboy genius in an armored suit of his own design faces not only his growing anxiety about superherodom but also a technocrat rival and a terrorist mastermind that threatens both the American way and his relationship with his often in peril former secretary turned love interest in the newest pre-summer blockbuster from the (film)House of M.

The third entry into the franchise finds the writers and director grasping for lightning but only finding fiber optics.  The plot is light on the technical detail and precision (which was a driving force in the original) yet is now so heavy on coincidence that if you stop and consider certain inane plot points you'll have a hard time swallowing.  Add to that the obviously outsourced and downgraded CGI and unwise recycled plot devices (super heroes without the means to be super is about as original in comic movies as vigilantes who take off their masks for their stars sake) make for a shifty foundation buttressed by the high class and entertaining performances of the leads.

Iron Man's Tony Stark is Robert Downey Jr., and he continues to shine in the role as the likeable cool nerd industrialist.  The new villains are improved over #2, Aldrich Killian (played with sinister geek grease by Guy Pearce (LA Confidential)) and the Mandarin (a surprising as always Ben Kingsly (Ghandi) who makes the role his own).  The film writers are trying too hard to find Pepper Pots (Gwenyth Paltrow) something more exciting to do each movie (beyond bitch/moan/or scream out someones name), and Jon Faverau's pudgy Happy Hogan makes another small alliteration filled appearance.  Don Cheadle (Boogie Nights) as Lt. Rhodes is barely used and must be accepted for the role they are all given, which is a backseat in Tony Stark's newest luxury class automobile.

While entertaining, the movie is light years behind the original that launched the modern Marvel film universe.  If this is the last iteration of Iron Man (or even Downey's pitch perfect portrayal), then we are left with a stiffly robotic finale whose manufactured and plastic nature gives it a rusty stodginess   that we wish could have been ironed out first.  The film does still have a warm camaraderie center that can be enjoyed and bright explosions to ooh and ahh at, making IM3 a dependable distraction, just don't expect to find any real innovation.

5.5 Giant Bunny Rabbits out of 10 (MEDIOCRE)

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