"Who hasn't outgrown this?"
Reviled by most critics, Adam Sandlers newest character can at least talk straight and has the middle aged pathos to prove it. The plastic fake veneer has been stripped away from his FUNNY PEOPLE (2009) portrayal and what is left is our Sandler from his SNL days, all grown up and filthy and scuzzy and uniquely endearing. In dire need of some editing to be sure (an hour and
50?), this is the raunchiest comedy that also kept the actual laughs coming to be released in quite awhile. Certainly you have to be a certain type of fan to enjoy this, and some of the running jokes fall flat and the formula that his company uses over and over once again is the entire menu... Rough raunchy male relationships for the entree, treacly sweet 70s rock sentimentality desert. Shakespeare this ain't, this is Sandler (and Samberg, but he just comes across as whiny and toothy) and its about Adam's actual view of fatherhood. The morals of this film are strictly grey area to illegal and perhaps that's why it got such a harsh drubbing. Family friendly Happy Gilmore style slapstick this ain't, and its nowhere near as well put together as that film but it's a much better effort. That's My Boy is one very long drunken dirty joke with multiple climaxes, but luckily it's pretty skilled in the sack. You just may have a deep desire for a shower afterwards.
5 Natty Ices out of 10 (MEDIOCRE)