To The Wonder (R)
"Wonder WTF were they thinking?"
Serial genius and cinema introvert Terrance Malick (Outlands, Tree of Life) crafts another incomprehensible, inner monologue burdened film, this time without all the metaphysical musings or dinosaur cameos or tour-de-force minimalist acting. No, this time its a romance drama, a film about a strained relationship, and it stars Ben Affleck as an environmentalist with a woman problem for 2 hours. Sigh.
Not that you'll be seeing much of Ben's face, if that is a deterrent. The camera lens is always the main star of modern Malick films, and brooding Affleck or any of the characters are rarely seen talking on screen. The film is as beautiful as the rest of Terry's oeuvre, though perhaps hampered by being centered in suburban Oklahoma. The main female lead is constantly twirling twirling twirling, never can she stop spinning and you can almost forgive Affleck's indifference to a woman who is constantly flittering around like a broken humming bird who he has to chase her to show his love. Actress Olga Kurylenko (Quantum of Solace) fills her dizzying role and speaks her tipsy french memoir laden monologue but don't ask if the acting is any good because that is not the point of this movie. It is not story driven, it is image and emotion driven, the few scant pieces of dialogue barely give enough of an impression as to what the heck is actually going on, let alone form an opinion. It is structured like an ambiguous novel where its up to you to fill in the numerous blanks. It is interesting to see a film told through almost visuals alone, especially ones crafted so well (but begs to have a half hour edited out). However Malick already did that to better effect in Tree of Life, with a more significant story and moving emotions and a REASON to exist (and somewhat less twirling and chasing).
To The Wonder feels exactly like an Alzheimer patient musing on a long past relationship, and you are struggling to understand the stream of thought that is unaware of your need for information: "Wait, slow down how did they meet? No I don't need to hear about how she spun or how you chased after her, what was he mad about? Yes, sunsets are very nice but, oh, no don't skip ahead, wait, huh? How much later, with who? Who are you talking about now???" Just memories of the beauty and the ugly and the spinning, the god damned twirling is all that remains in the minds eye.
4 No Script No Shoes No Service out of 10 (BAD)
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