MacGruber (UR)
"Needs more Cowbell"
Every couple of years, someone in Hollywood tries to bring back the "Stupid Comedy", a movie that is dumb on purpose but with enough humor to work (Airplane being the most obvious example). MacGruber is at heart a parody of 1980s TV staple MacGyver, with Will Forte (both the sketch and the actor are from Saturday Night Live) in the title role. MacGruber is a DIYer, a Houdini with electronics and objects which allow him to escape from dangerous situations. The twist is that he is a klutz and usually gets those around him killed in horrible ways due to his incompetence. A couple laughs but a lot more cringes. A good stupid film needs a strong funny lead, and Forte is ironically not up to the task, 90 minutes drag. Another film that falls to the SNL curse (or is it now the status quo?)
4 Khaki Vests out of 10 (BAD)
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