The Dark Knight Rises (PG-13)
"E Tu, Bat-Brute?"
The Batman barely makes a timely appearance, or a impact, in this the last of Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. His impotent past has caught up with Bruce Wayne, who's newest nemesis Bain has an even harder time enunciating his lines. The plot involves the criminals of Gotham, under Bain's leadership, isolating the city from the rest of the world as the Batman struggles with returning from supposed retirement. Overconvoluted, overlong and overdesigend (Catwoman's ears/googles are a ghastly example), TDK Rises while falling flat on his face. Thankfully the grimdark version of the franchise will be roosting in Warner Brothers batcave for a couple years, hopefully reemerging with a sense of fun.
2 Same Bat-Channels out of 10 (BAD)
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