Catfish (PG-13) Review
"Fickle Fish Fry"
A group of filmmaker friends document the burgeoning love between main onscreen character and his new internet love/acquaintance. Since this is a film, there must be some kind of hook, and be assured that there is. The internet was aflame about this movie with much "This Happened To Me Too's!" being typed and hyped. The movie itself is about as genuine as reality television, with many obvious "re-enactments" and the playboy filmmakers hogging screentime and mugging for the camera. The central mystery and hook in Catfish is effective and certainly reflects our current social media culture and the negative impacts it can have on our lives. But as true cinematic art, Catfish starts to reek by the end, a mean kind of smell that certainly made me lose my appetite.
4.5 Profile Pics out of 10 (MEDIOCRE)
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