Tangled (2010)

Tangled (PG) - Review

"..web they weave"

Disney attempts to recapture the old Princess magic with Tangled, a retro-modern retelling of Rapunzel and her magical hair.  Strutting handsome rogues, damsels not quite in distress, intelligent horses and just a bit over the line evil stepmothers pack the candy colored scenery and mug for laughs, but the good 'ol Walt Disney touch is simply absent.  The music falls flat to these ears and has no panache (or reason to exist). The story is cobbled together and true to form deviates from the Grimm fairy tale for the sake of sales The art & animation tries to mimic Disney's acquisition Pixar in technique but achieves only a pale copy.  Disney simply proceeds to do what it excels at, making programming for the young and easily entertained, but they have done much much worse in the past.

5 What Can We Personify This Film? out of 10 (MEDIOCRE)

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Turlock, California, United States
Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway