Faster (2010)

Faster (R) - Review

"Needs more Pussycat, Kill Kill"

The unnamed protagonist who is fresh out of prison chases down his brother's killers while being pursued by the law and some hired guns (sound familiar?)  This time Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and his puffy muscles get out of prison and go on a rampage in a black muscle car in this 1970s revenge rehash.  Every note and cliche of 70s gritty cinema is touched upon here, so much so its hard to decide whether its an homage or downright plagiarism.  Competent film with some strange anti-religious tones, Dwayne's good guy persona takes a backseat for once.

4.5 Gear Shifts out of 10 (MEDIOCRE)

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Turlock, California, United States
Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway