The Bee Movie (2007)

The Bee Movie (PG) - Review

"What is the deal with entomology?"

There are some that just despise Jerry Seinfeld's style of humor, so when he wrote this animated picture about a Bee who has a midlife crisis the results were bound to be divisive (and since it is PG rated very watered down).  The total results are lukewarm with some clever hit or miss jokes and some very iffy science about bee life.  In the end the Bees sue the humans for their theft of their honey and we the audience either chuckle or roll our eyes at all the kvetching.  Good cast, good marketing but humdrum animation/visuals and spirit just makes this one a drone instead of a queen.

5 Windshield Splats out of 10 (MEDIOCRE)

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Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway