X-Men (2000)

X-Men (PG) - Review

“Do you know what happens when you write the worst line of dialogue?”

Ah, the halcyon days, before the comic book based blockbuster was arriving every month, where vast veins of graphic novels and spandex jokes were virtually untapped.  Into this void stepped Director Bryan Singer, hot off the success of The Usual Suspects and the tepid mediocrity of Apt Pupil.  Fox took the chance to launch a huge, big budget franchise on the backs of mutated uncampy super-peeps (back when that kind of thing had fallen way out of style).  The result is a totteringly shoddy story encompassing the immensely loveable faculty of Professor Charles Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters.  Their intros and character interplay elevate the dumbed down story and paved the way for actual Super Hero films to be realized.  The Spider-Mans, Dark Knights (and yes, Daredevils), even the Marvel Cinematic Universe all owe a bid of thanks to a goofy, scruffy little movie wrapped in restrictive over-designed leather suits fighting on top of the fake looking Statue of Liberty with absolutely unrealistic justifications.  Excelsior!

7 “Same Thing That Happens to Everything Else” out of 10 (GOOD)

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Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway