From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money (1999)

From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money (R)

"It's Quentin' Time"

An oddball crew of bank robbers find themselves hunted not only by authorities from Mexico and the USA, but also by vampiric assholes, some even from inside their own team.

This direct to video sequel is a lowball affair that achieves some semblance of the cool vibe of the original.  Starring Robert Patrick and directed by Scott Spiegel (an old chum of director Sam Raimi), the film is an ultra low budget ham salad of Tarantino-esque wastebasket-fodder chats about the nature of pornography and camera tricks straight from an Evil Dead clone's youtube sizzle reel.  The movie itself is preposterous, with a caper so lamebrained and one sided it would be laughable if you weren't already too choked up by their choice of main bad guy (menacing he's not).  Admirably avoiding the normal sequel-trappings of these kind of films, FDTD2:TBM still sucks the life out of the room with some fun tricks ruined by their overuse, sets from a third world trash heap, and a third act shoot out that is just as lazy as the special effects.  Danny Trejo lends a hand to generate connective tissue, but the movie's mostly a bloodless stone compared to the first's grandiose rolling stone.

5 You Know It's A Bad Sign When Bruce Campbell shows up in the Preamble out of 10 (MEDIOCRE)

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Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway