Talking Heads: Stop Making Sense (1984)

Talking Heads: Stop Making Sense (NR) - Review

"Big suit, small pretentions."

David Bryne and the Talking Heads, premiere sociological  rock bands of the 1980s, put on an outstanding concert on a dark stage, considered one of the best live music films of all time.  The production slowly builds, starting with Bryne performing Psycho Killer alone on stage with just a boom box and guitar, and as each new song begins another member of the band joins them onstage (which is also continuously forming). The set is bareboned, making the performances by the musicians that much more important, the music that much more poignant. A simple, eclectic viewback into a true art form from the 1980s, Stop Making Sense makes a clear case for postmodern socially concsious rock'n'roll, and as Bryne puts it:
"as we get older and stop making sense/you won’t find her waiting long"

8 Oversized Armanis out of 10 (GREAT)

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Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway