The Incredible Melting Man (1977)

The Incredibly Melting Man (R) - Review

"You're gonna melt just like a grilled cheese sandwich..."

Steve, an astronaut on a doomed mission in space is exposed to unknown radiation through the rings of Saturn and unsurprisingly to us the viewer upon returning to Earth he begins to melt.  What is surprising is that his condition leads him to attack and eat anyone he drippingly meets, and that my friends encompasses the whole of the plot.  Originally scripted as a black comedy parody of 1950s & 60s monster movies (for sure the atrocious Monster-A-Go-Go), supposedly the producers cut out most of the intended humor to make it more marketable as a horror movie in the exact vein as Go-Go, ie. cheap, nonsensical and plodding.  However misaligned the film may be by film critics and MST3K, Rick Baker's early make up FX are astonishing and the cinematography strangely fascinating with true moments of brilliance.  With some truly bizarre scripting and editorial decisions, where luckily some of the humor went un-macheted (including a fun bit with a charming elderly couple in a lemon grove), The Incredible Melting Man is a typical midnight BMovie with more talent hiding in it's little sludgey finger than the likes of Bill Rebane could ever secrete.  It's a sloppy, revolting mess... and thats not just custard dripping from Steve's eye talking.

5.5 Slo Motion Nurses out of 10 (MEDIOCRE)

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Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway