Behind the Candelabra (2013)

Behind the Candelabra (UR)

"Such a Nice Boy"

Telling the unique story of Scott Thorson, Liberache's secret live-in lover and adopted son, Behind the Candelbra takes us past the sequins and gold plating to the gay men who dominated Las Vegas entertainment while suing anyone who tried to out them as they gallivanted through the American pop culture subconscious.

Played with amazing versatility by Michael Douglas (The Game), Liberace struts and croons and tickles the ivories without distracting or disparaging the king of bling.  Matt Damon is the new man in his life Scott, an adopted son with a shaky orphan upbringing who is brought into the glitz and glamour and storm that is living with Liberace.  The film is based on Thorson's autobiography, apparently with enough details to make the Marquis de Sade blush.  Nothing is out of bounds for the two actors as they explore their onscreen tumultuous affair, further fueled by unlimited wealth, all brought together by the "retiring" director Steven Soderberg (Ocean's Eleven) who brings his cool technical head to bear with delicious exactitude.  Apparently too hot for cineplexes, HBO picked it up to much acclaim, and the rich, textured lives of a closeted homosexual virtuoso and his exploited/exploitative ex-son/ex-chauffeur/ex-lover is handled with class while still retaining reality.  The three of them (Damon, Douglas and Soderberg) each make up a glittering candlestick of the Candelabra, illuminating the dark of unknown lives forced to live in the shadows despite their world-wide fame.

8 How many Man Butts to get an R out of 10 (GREAT)

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Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway