Zero Dark Thirty (2012)

Zero Dark Thirty (R) - Review

"Be Careful what you wish for"

ZD30 is an interesting flick, in conception and execution.  The torture scenes are disturbing and the characters doing them (and those utilizing them) are morally bankrupt which makes it easy to see why they have caused some yells of protest.  However, in the context of the entire film it is absolutely necessary and important to describe everything about this story.  It does show that information gained in this way is mostly worthless, and as years and years pass soon torture is politically outlawed by the new incoming Executive branch.  This simple mechanic speaks volumes of the mindsets and values of these agents whose job it is to track down Osama, lead by lead.  They are passionate about their jobs, the goal is to find an kill a madman, whatever tools they are allowed they will use to its fullest effect, there is no judgement in the film just the ring of truth.  The war and its loss of innocent life, the dehumanization and abject despair of terrorist prisoners, the clinical expertise and mechanical slaying of a radical sect's leaders, it all serves as one big American 9-11 catharsis.  It is an intellectual revenge movie on a national level, blood thirsty and more impassioned than 3 Djangos but with a savage thirst for the throat of realism.

Much of the movie is the main character's clash of personalities with her bosses in the pursuit of Bin Laden, journalistic CIA leg and paper work.  The final act is the culmination of almost a decade of spy work, and the raid on the compound is as tense and excruciating as any  modern thriller.  It's meticulous attention to details, the sights sounds and motivations and double taps are a testament to its directors intent..  

Zero Dark is directed by Kathryn Bigelow, director of The Hurt Locker and exwife of James Cameron.  She's learned a lot since Locker and has crafted a narrative that cannot be over rated (unlike HL).  From the plain black opening over lain with September 11th 911 phone calls to the final C-47 ride with it's sadly triumphant heroine, ZD30 is a complete picture of a terribly untenable situation that we can all hope we'll never be in again.  Revenge is a dish best served cold but be careful of what you wish for. Some wounds will never heal.

8 Hanoi Hiltons out of 10 (GREAT)

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Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway