Away We Go (2009)

Away We Go (R) Review

"Home is where the heart is"

This amazingly funny and touching movie has to be Sam Mendes' (American Beauty) best to date. A beautiful story about an unmarried couple looking for a home to raise their baby, John Krasinski (The Office (US)) and Maya Rudolph (SNL) jet about the country meeting with friends and family (and the drama that comes with them), reaffirming their modern relationship and their wants and dreams for their future. Gorgeously photographed, humorously written and performed with love, this movie is about growing up, growing old and growing a child without losing who you are and who you can be and where you came from while maintaining a level of humor that rarely works in Hollywood.  Us grown up folks can have fun too, even in adult life situations.

 9.5 Strollers out of 10 (OUTSTANDING)

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Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway