The Raid: Redemption (2011)

The Raid: Redemption (UR)
"Kick, Punch, It's All In The Mind"
 Less of an action movie than advertised, this is essentially a new age Kung Fu movie (it only starts getting good once everyone drops their guns) and if it was limited to just kicking a$$ with knives/machettes and fists then it would get a higher review. Despite what the internet hounds were barking, this movie does have a story, just very bare boned and very cliche.
The only acting I could discern through the Malaysian dialects was from the main bad guy, but what you come for is the fisitcuffs and this movie has it in spades. It doesn't make you wait too long between slugfests and when they happen they deliver. Almost to a fault, noticed a lot of the same frantic moves over and over, but the gore is higher and more brutal than most actions flicks. It's all done with almost no visual flair; you go into a room that's a set, you fight in that room for 10 minutes, you go to a hallway which leads to another room, direction wise its all a bit dull (probably due to its low budget and trying to be independent of the Hollywood system). The attempt at making it something it's not (a message movie about brothers and morality tale about corruption) drags it down quite a bit. Lets say 8/10 for fighting, 2/10 for story and acting, giving us a

6.5 Bowie Knife Stabs to the Knees out of 10 (GOOD)

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Turlock, California, United States
Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway