Horrible Bosses (2011)

Horrible Bosses (R) - Review

"If at first you do succeed..."

From the Post-Hangover era of film comedies comes Horrible Bosses, a cobbled together movie involving three friends with three horrible bosses and their plans to remove them from their lives.  The Bosses are played by Hollywood A listers (Colin Farrel, Jennifer Aniston and Kevin Spacey) and their underlings are played by B List comedians (Charlie Day, Jason Bateman and Jason Sudekis).  A murder plot thickens as Jamie Foxx cameos to give some racial humor and advice.  Pretty forgetful standard rip-off of whats the fad in theaters now, perhaps good for a improv troupe style laugh but not ready for prime time.  Charlie Day (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) is especially underutilized here, his good guy employee of nympho dentist Aniston and the resulting workplace harassament is the only interesting or funny plot here and is obviously cut down in favor of the more recognizable film stars.

5 Blooper Reels out of 10 (MEDICORE)

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