A Single Man (2009)

A Single Man (R) - Review

"Man vs Closet"

A Single Man tells the story of a closeted homosexual Professor who's partner has just past, coming to grips with feelings of despair and suicide, buoyed up by his friends and a new chance at love.  Colin Firth (The Kings Speech) solidified himself with American audiences here, a human being twisted up inside, slowly drowning and desperately seeking a life preserver.  The camera and visuals twist our views too, the colors and perspectives warped to give us a feeling of the manic urges and confusion welling as memorys and thoughts torture Firth.

A Single Man is about another time and place (1960s Los Angeles), where being Single at 40 made people suspicious of your sexuality.  Where a long time partner isn't allowed at his lovers funeral, where gay men had secret places and signs and ways of finding each other.  Fascinating film, the terrible grief Firth portrays is alive and writhing, haunting and beautiful.

8 Horn Rimmed Glasses out of 10 (GREAT)

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Turlock, California, United States
Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway