The Cat (1992)

The Cat (UR)

"I'll be back, with hairballs"

Bizarre tale of an outerspace feline and her masters who are looking for a mystic artifact to allow them to return to their home planet but are pursued by a body-snatching lava monster from the depths of space hell bent on tearing them and anything that gets in its way apart.

Strange yet effective mashup of Hong Kong shootemup action movies and alien invasion flicks, the movie is famous for its amazing animatronic Cat vs Dog kung fu action scene that goes where no animal film goes before.  The hokey space princess and her wise patrons are pretty laughable, and the out of nowhere Terminator-like bullet fests prolong the final conflict with the impressive spaghetti-space monster.  Quite a ride for those willing to board, The Cat is certainly unwestern and unique in all ways (exactly what would be expected from the director of the outrageous cult classic "The Life of Ricky Oh").

7.5 Flying Claws vs Slobbering Jaws out of 10 (GREAT)

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Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway