Highlander 2 (1991)

Highlander 2 (R) - Review

"Have sword, will languish"

A terribly conceived and enacted sequel no matter which version you decide to view (with or without the tacked on "they are aliens" plot it makes no difference), Highlander 2 is laughably bad.  The worst things about Lambert's acting are front row and center here, he cannot actually carry a movie (especially one this absurdly silly).  After winning The Prize in the previous film, the Highlander has now become old and frail, stuck beneath some Earth saving electronic thingyamajig that keeps the planet from dying from solar radiation (but also makes it not a very fun place to live).  Michael Ironsides sends some hedgehog looking minions (form the past or from future or from another dimension depending on which version) to assassinate him, thereby restarting the contest and attempting to halt him from shutting down the shield of his own creation.  Just typing that made me feel stupid, just as stupid as Sean Connery must have felt for signing up for this onscreen abortion.  Ironsides grits his teeth and becomes a whipping boy for Capitalism, Lambert once again gets a girl and has to explain the whole bloody mess again, people from the future again resort to swords and sorcery to behead each other.  Without the eminent Mr. Connery to lighten and infuse some scenes with his own brand of cool this movie would have just been a sign of just how bad 1990s franchises were in Hollywood.  As it stands it can be a bit of a guilty pleasure if you can just laugh at the dregs.  A movie only a decapitated mother could love.

2 Inaccurate Scottish Accents out of 10 (AWFUL)

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