Motel Hell (1980)

Motel Hell (R)

"They Check In..."

Farmer Vincent and his family are planting and reaping their curious crop to supply their famous delicious fritters (made out of critters) for the whole county. all the while maintaining their roadside reststop Motel Hello.  But when Vince saves a young girl after a motorcycle accident, Vincent falls head over heels in love with her, igniting sibling rivalry and exposes the family's secret recipe for carnage.

Odd distant relative of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's success, Motel Hell cribs most of its plot and ideas from its horror film betters.  However it stands out from the population of ripoffs with its own wildly flavorful ideas that have to be seen to believed, unusual casting (Rory Calhoun and Wolfman Jack amongst those playing against type), and a blackly comic vibe with a country-like innocence that sometimes works.  The final conflict provides thrills, chills and kills but not enough to spare(rib) the movie from choking on its own regurgitated film bones.

5.5 Pork Product Helmet Chainsaw Duels out of 10 (MEDIOCRE)

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Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway