Logans Run (1976)

Logan's Run (PG) - Review

"Everybody runs... away from the screen"

An obvious product of the "Don't trust anyone over 30" generation, Logan's Run is a ridiculously long SciFi blunder that has achieved cult status for its cheesy psychedelic visions of tomorrow.  It is the year 2274, and humanity has sheltered itself from its radioactive fallout in a rigidly closed-off utopia. The only rule is Carousel, where anyone who is of age must submit to public execution. When a Sandman (or policeman) by the name of Logan (Micheal York) gets involved with a conspiracy between his computer run beuracracy and the antisocial runners, the adventure drags him and his female companion to seek sanctuary beyond the reach of the known world, out into the ancient wastes of civilizations.  Finding new friends and old enemies, Logan must try to rehabilitate his fellow citizens and repopulate the world.  The cheese hasn't aged well, the effects and music even worse.  Like its crumbling post apocalyptic views of Washington D.C.and the floor of the Senate, Logans Run is a relic whos questionable value is mainly historic.

3 Hand Crystals out of 10 (BAD)

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Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway