Trilogy of Terror (1975)

Trilogy of Terror (NR)

"Troika of Her-or"

A trifecta of mid70s television horror, the ToT is most famous for its weirdly racist third story where a girl is terrorized in her lavish apartment by a reanimated voodoo fetish doll with razor sharp teeth and spear. The "horror" fun with puppets is entertaining, but the sub par popculture boogiemen of the first two stories (split personalities and inappropriate student/teacher relationships) sinks this far into the after-adult-school specials muck.  Directed with expert camp by Dark Shawdows alum and all stories starring the wide eyes Karen Black (even as twins!), 3 of Terror is a cult classic for fans of camp and 70s TV with the third act providing the only WTFs to stand the test of time.

4.5 Establishing Sitcom Shots out of 10 (MEDIOCRE)

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Media and Reviews by Kevin Gasaway