The Wicker Man (1973)

The Wicker Man (R) - Review

"Something Wicker this way comes"

A puritanical Police sergeant is sent to a remote Scottish island in search of a supposedly lost girl whom he now suspects was sacrificed to appease the local's pagan religious views.

A cult classic reeking of the stench of new agey 1970s incense, the original Wicker Man's continued level of popularity comes as a complete surprise.  From the wooden Hammer-style British acting to the bizarrely staged and awkwardly performed musical numbers, hedonistic female nudity, lack of frightening moments or violence or gore and a overall tone that would have to work really hard to creep out a 8 year old after midnight, Wicker Man is anything but a horror film.  It's a literate mystery hampered by the hippy times that generated it.  The Policeman and his Christian beliefs are as intolerant as those of the heretic Town's folk, it just so happens he is vastly outnumbered.  As am I, in disliking this film almost completely.

3 What, are the Animal Masks supposed to be scary or something?'s out of 10 (BAD)

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